DragonMate Read online

Page 10

  Hakon stopped in front of an open doorway. “Thank you. This is your suite. Should you hear from Aislinn and need to contact me, there’s a phone with a list of extensions in the sitting room. Contact security and they’ll locate me immediately. There’s a small refrigerator and a bar stocked with drinks, and if you grow hungry, dial the extension to the kitchen.”

  Kirill followed Jazzlyn into the room, his gaze going immediately to the large bed visible through the arched doorway. Hakon’s chuckle made him turn back toward their host.

  Emerald green eyes glittered with amusement. “I’ll leave you now to enjoy the rest of your evening. Feel free to use the hot tub located on the balcony.”

  Kirill closed the door and caught up with Jazzlyn. Dragon instinct ruled, making it impossible not to wrap his arms around her and pull her to him in a primitive desire to ensure she still smelled of him.

  He rubbed his cheek against the silk of her hair and inhaled deeply. Knowing there were other males in the vicinity had him fighting to keep the spurs at his wrists from descending.

  He felt edgy, trapped in a form that didn’t allow for the full protection and possession of his mate. He wanted nothing more than to rake the talons across her skin and send her into the unconsciousness that would allow him to return home with her.

  A growl escaped. Her laugh eased him.

  “Someone’s feeling very dragonish again,” she teased. “Not that I can blame you since we’re surrounded by them.”

  Her comment startled him, until he noted the moonlight streaming through dragons of all colors set in the stained glass. At the moment he didn’t find the effect soothing at all. It stirred his aggression and translated into a need to dominate his mate and ensure she was irrevocably and completely his.

  His cock stood in full agreement. It was rigid and aching, throbbing with the need to be freed from the confining pants.

  A spike of molten fire went through it as he relived those moments on the beach when she’d tormented him with her mouth. He’d lost control of the magic then, though thankfully in the darkness she hadn’t realized she was seeing the reality and not a moon-induced fantasy.

  Kirill kicked off his shoes. He wanted to order her to disrobe, then see to the removal of his clothing, but he didn’t dare risk a repeat of what had happened on the beach. If she knelt at his feet, her mouth inches away from his cock—

  A shudder went through him. He didn’t know how much longer he could endure the restrictions imposed on him in this world.

  “Again?” she murmured when her skirt fell to the ground after he’d freed it.

  “And again and again,” he said, punctuating his words with kisses. “A lifetime won’t provide enough opportunities when it comes to making love to you.”

  He stripped her blouse off. It joined her skirt on the floor.

  “I think I could say the same about you.” Her hands went to his waistband, her fingers curling under to rub against his cock.

  He savored her touch even as he fought to keep the ridges from rising and breaching the magic that held them beneath the smooth skin of his shaft.

  “You want to know what’s a turn-on for me?” she whispered, a hint of shyness in her voice.

  He hardly dared ask for fear of what her answer would do to him. But he did. “What?”

  “This,” she said, maneuvering her hand so she could grasp his cock and rub her thumb over the swollen head. “You get wet for me the same way I get wet for you.”

  If her fingers weren’t gripping his penis, her words would have driven him to his knees. He sought refuge in commanding her. “Take your bra and panties off, Jazzlyn. Now. So we can get into the hot tub.”

  She made no move to obey him. Instead she tormented him by looking through her eyelashes in sultry disobedience, her thumb continuing to caress his cock head.

  Somewhere along the line he’d been too lenient with her, he told himself, though he didn’t regret it. Not when her defiance aroused him, stirred his lust into a blazing inferno.

  He stripped out of his shirt and opened his pants. She slid her hand up and down on his cock before slowly removing it from his penis. And still, she made no move to rid herself of panties and bra.

  In the future she’d feel the sting of his hand across her buttocks for this type of challenge. At the moment, the desire to possess her overrode the desire to punish her.

  He removed his pants and reached for her, pulling her against him aggressively. His hands smoothed over the silky nothingness of her panties. “If we were home I’d spank you for your refusal to obey.”

  She shivered, the deepening of her scent and the stab of her nipples against his chest telling him the idea appealed to her.

  “If you could catch me,” she said, her lips curving into a provocative smile.

  He peeled her panties down to join the clothing on the floor, panting as his cock came into contact with her heated, bare cunt. “Even with a running start, you wouldn’t escape me, Jazzlyn.”

  “You sound very sure of yourself. But I bet I could render you completely incapable of administering any kind of discipline.”

  Her fingers found his nipples, tightened on them in small punishment for his easy confidence. Fire shot straight to his cock and additional moisture beaded on its head. She rubbed against him, spreading heated scent and arousal onto her skin as well as his.

  It was more than he could stand. A challenge and invitation he couldn’t leave unanswered.

  He stripped her out of her bra and swung her into his arms. She laughed, eyes full of feminine knowledge and newfound power as he stalked to the hot tub.

  Sliding into the water heightened his desire. It lapped at his cock, caressed, made him think of Jazzlyn’s mouth and channel.

  He set her on her feet, never allowing her skin to lose contact with his.

  “I like this,” she said, her arms going around his neck, her legs going around his waist as he sat, submerging them in water up to their shoulders.

  Her lips begged for his kiss and he found her impossible to resist. He claimed what she offered, his hands roaming her back, sliding over her satiny buttocks as his tongue rubbed and twined with hers.

  He wanted her desperately, craved her as he’d never craved anything else. But he knew the next time his cock was held in the tight fist of her channel, he wouldn’t be able to keep the talons from descending and filling with serum. He wouldn’t be able to prevent himself from raking them across her flesh, and she would be unconscious until morning when it happened.

  She tensed when his fingertips traced the cleft of her ass, giving birth to a dark, carnal urge. “You’re virgin here?” he asked, cock throbbing in anticipation of her response.

  The blush that rushed to her cheeks was answer enough. The way she clamped down nervously when he traced the tight rosette of her anus confirmed it.

  He hadn’t thought it possible to grow more aroused, but knowing he’d be the first, the last to take her in every way a male could take his female caused his blood to heat and his dragon instincts to roar to life.

  His gaze roamed the hot tub, a subconscious guess that proved accurate when he saw the ornate dragon perched at the edge. He reached for it, pressed, and was rewarded with a silky stream of warm lubricant.

  “It’s dangerous to tease a male dragon about his prowess, especially when he’s been counting the moments until he could position his female underneath him and make her completely his.”

  She smiled against his lips, totally unrepentant. “Have me now then,” she said, tempting him mercilessly by rubbing her cunt and stiffened clit against his penis.

  It was all he could do not to lift her and bring her down on his cock. Only the threat of his mating talons descending from their hidden sheaths gave him the ability to resist her.

  “I’ll have you here next,” he growled, stroking, breaching her virgin opening with his fingertip as an arm around her waist kept her from escaping.

  She shuddered against him, her
buttocks tightening as if to force him away from her back entrance. But the throb of her clit against his cock and her breathless “Kir” told him she wasn’t horrified or repulsed by what he intended.

  Before the feel of her bare cunt and hardened knob caused him to lose control, he stood and set her on her feet. “Turn around and grab the edge of the hot tub. Then spread your legs so I can prepare you.”

  Her eyes darkened and her lips parted. She remained where he’d placed her and watched him gather more lubricant on fingers.

  He spread some of it on his cock, giving her a moment to think, to anticipate having him slide into her virgin entrance. It excited him to have her gaze linger and admire his human form. It made him ache to stand in front of her as dragon, both of them knowing he’d soon cover her body and thrust inside her, his wings spread and quivering in ecstasy as he did it.

  She lowered her eyes and turned, bent over and grasped the edge of the tub. In challenge or in shyness, she parted her legs only enough for him to glimpse her wet folds and glistening slit.

  He caressed her buttock with his palm while the fingers of his other hand clamped mercilessly on his cock to keep from closing the distance and shoving it inside her. By the Great Shared Ancestor, she delighted him.

  “Will you defy me and earn a spanking where your cries might bring an audience?” he asked, the thought of others watching as he disciplined then took his mate feeding the flames of both aggression and lust. “Or will you obey?”

  It was sweet torture to see her shiver, then part her legs in silent acceptance of his will. He tormented himself by trailing his fingers between her swollen cunt lips, gathering the slick evidence of her arousal and using it to lubricate her back entrance.

  Molten heat streaked through Jazzlyn, flaring to life where his fingers traveled along the crease of her ass, circling the tight rosette then slipping inside. There was something wickedly thrilling in his threats of punishment, in letting him take her this way.

  Her imagination was alive with images of a chase that ended in a spanking, followed by fierce lovemaking. They were dark fantasies, ones she’d never explored, just as she’d never dreamed of letting a man press his cock to the puckered opening of her anus.

  His touch was possessive, sure, as he prepared her. She closed her eyes and the sensations grew stronger, hot pain joining to dark pleasure.

  Her clit throbbed. Her nipples were tight. If she didn’t need to grasp the rim of the hot tub, she’d try to gain a measure of relief by touching herself.

  A moan escaped when the head of his penis touched her back opening. The image of him coating himself with lubricant, his hand moving up and down on his shaft made her channel clench.

  Despite wanting him, she tensed when he tried to enter her. “Easy, beloved,” he said, kissing the spot where her neck met her shoulder.

  His words and the purr of his voice melted her. They lodged in her heart.

  She wanted to be his beloved. Somewhere in the course of the day, she’d come to believe in heartmate stones and him.

  His fingers found her clit and drove all thought away. Fire raced to the soles of her feet, to her nipples. It filled her anus as he worked the smooth hot steel of his cock into her, burning her with erotic heat.

  She could feel him shaking, trembling with need and the desire to go slowly so his claiming would bring only pleasure. His care heightened her desire, making her rock backward.

  Her internal muscles rippled around the thick heat of him. He panted, seemingly unable to stop himself from thrusting, quick shallow digs that were devastating in their intensity.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, his arm tightening around her waist, the fingers on her clit doing the same.

  Exquisite agony scorched through her. “I need more,” she said, pressing backward, intentionally clamping down hard on his cock.

  He was a throbbing presence that filled more than her anus. It felt as though his heart beat deep inside her and was completely in sync with her own.

  “Please, Kir.”

  He couldn’t deny her, not when he burned with the same hunger.

  Shallow thrusts became harder ones. Each made in concert with the squeeze and tug of his fingers on her engorged clit.

  The husky sounds of her pleasure made control impossible. And even when his wrists began to tingle and burn, the talons on the verge of descending, he couldn’t stop.

  Instinct drove him closer, so as much skin as possible touched. His nipples rubbed against her back. His lips caressed her shoulder.

  The need to fully claim her built until there was no fighting it any longer. His teeth marked her shoulder as the talons finally slid free to drag across her belly, piercing skin and delivering the serum.

  She screamed in orgasm, and the knowledge that the other males would hear it and know what it meant, amplified the ecstasy of his own release. He came in a series of lava-hot waves. Each one making him cry out, his semen forced from him in savage spasms.

  It left him lightheaded, in danger of slipping into the same unconsciousness she’d succumbed to. Dragon pride was the only thing that gave him the strength to carry Jazzlyn to the bathroom.

  He bathed and dried her, finding it deeply satisfying to care for her so intimately. Then he took care of his own needs before settling into bed with her.

  Satisfaction purred through Kirill as he watched his mate sleep. She was irrevocably his now, her body adjusting so in the future, when they both desired it, she would grow heavy with his young.

  He cupped her breast possessively, his purr deepening when she murmured, welcoming his touch even in the depth of serum-induced unconsciousness. He leaned in, nuzzled her nipple, licked over it as his hand slid downward, briefly pausing on the light scratches left by his mating talons, before slipping lower to cover her mound.

  His. Every inch of her, every minute of her life now belonged to him. And he would treasure her above anything else he possessed. Always.

  He pressed his chest to her back, snuggling close and tight in a nest of bedclothing and heated skin. With any luck, this business with her cousin would be done tomorrow and he would take her to his lair.

  Contentment settled on him. His thoughts wandered over the events of day. There was nothing about it he would change, including Aislinn’s interference. Because of it he’d lingered here and not only gotten a chance to imprint himself on his mate, but to prepare her for the existence of dragons.

  Confronting reality would still be a shock to her. There was no way to avoid it. But unlike the sacrificed and stolen virgins of long ago, Jazzlyn wouldn’t die of fright or throw herself from a rocky ledge at finding herself in his lair.

  His heart wouldn’t let him believe she could ever be terrified of him. Not when she’d teased and taunted him, tormented him and claimed him as thoroughly as he’d claimed her.

  He pressed an adoring kiss to her shoulder. After they returned, he’d suggest she examine the gems he kept deep in the hidden part of his lair. He’d encourage her to choose several of them as a gift for the half-elf. Xanthus could deliver them and see to gathering Jazzlyn’s things at the same time.

  In fact, he’d ask Xanthus to purchase duplicate tools so Jazzlyn could have two work areas. One would be set up in the open section, where he enjoyed stretching out during the daylight hours and guarding his territory against trespass and poaching. The other would be in an internal chamber. There were several that would be suitable once they were cleared of treasure.

  The sound of music interrupted his planning. He recognized its source immediately and slid from the bed to answer Jazzlyn’s phone.

  “Is Jazzlyn there?” Aislinn asked.

  “She sleeps.” His cock stirred in remembered pleasure at having her orgasm around it violently when he raked her with his talons.

  Aislinn didn’t suggest he wake his mate, but then the shopkeeper would know what a dragon’s serum did to a human female. “Trace has a lead on where Mark might be. Nothing certain
yet, but hopefully there will be by morning. I wanted to let Jazzlyn know.”

  “I will tell her.”

  “Something else came up while Trace was looking into this. There have been three restraining orders filed against Mark. The first was in California. The second was in Nevada. The last in Texas.”

  Kirill frowned, not liking the news though he didn’t completely understand it. “These restraining orders were put in place to keep Mark from doing something?”

  “From having contact with women he’d been going out with.” There was a slight hesitation on the other end of the line. “Trace was able to find two of the women. They both told him the same thing. At first Mark was attentive and wonderful, but as the relationship progressed he got more and more controlling and possessive until they’d ended up feeling cut off from their friends and family. When they broke things off with him, or tried to, he refused to stop calling them or showing up in person and acting as if nothing had changed. It unnerved them to the point they filed for restraining orders. The woman in Nevada is officially declared a missing person. The police suspect Mark had something to do with her disappearance, but there’s no proof.”